REDHAWK Device Manager Service
This section explains how to manage a single REDHAWK REDHAWK Device Manager service. For additional information on managing service configurations and life cycle management, refer to Domain Manager Service, Waveform Service, and Managing Entire Domains.
Creating a Device Service Configuration Using the rhadmin
To create a node service configuration, enter the following command:
rhadmin config node > <output file>.ini
A sample configuration is created, which requires the DOMAIN_NAME
configuration properties and the section’s name to be specified. The section name may be used with rhadmin
commands. For additional configuration property settings, refer to the Device Manager Configuration File. For the file to be recognized by the AdminService, the file must have an .ini extension and be installed into the proper service directory: /etc/redhawk/nodes.d
Creating a Device Service Configuration Using the REDHAWK IDE
In the REDHAWK IDE, to create a configuration file, click the Generate Node button in the Device Configuration Descriptor (DCD) editor.
Generate Node Button
In the Regenerate Files dialog, check the checkbox next to the .ini file to generate it. If the .spec file is also checked, the generated .spec file will include the installation of the .ini file.
Generate Node File Selection
Displaying a Configuration
To display the current configuration for a service, enter the following command:
rhadmin getconfig <Domain Name>:<section name>
Starting a Service
To start a single Device Manager service, enter the following command:
rhadmin start <Domain Name>:<section name>
Stopping a Service
To stop a single Device Manager service, enter the following command:
rhadmin stop <Domain Name>:<section name>
Requesting Status of a Service
To status a single Device Manager service, enter the following command:
rhadmin status <Domain Name>:<section name>
Restarting a Service
To restart a single Device Manager service, enter the following command:
rhadmin restart <Domain Name>:<section name>
Example Session
The following example creates, activates, starts, and statuses a Device Manager service for the domain, REDHAWK_PROD
, which is identified by the section name prodsvr1_gpp
# generate a node configuration file
rhadmin config node > redhawk_prod_svr1_gpp.ini
# edit the ini file and change node1 to prodsvr1_gpp in [node:node1],
# and set the following properties: DOMAIN_NAME=REDHAWK_PROD, NODE_NAME=ProdSvr1_GPP
vi redhawk_prod_svr1_gpp.ini
cp redhawk_prod_svr1_gpp.ini /etc/redhawk/nodes.d
rhadmin update REDHAWK_PROD
rhadmin start REDHAWK_PROD:prodsvr1_gpp
rhadmin status REDHAWK_PROD:prodsvr1_gpp
# produces the following output
REDHAWK_PROD:prodsvr1_gpp RUNNING pid 2345, uptime 0:00:10