
These two examples illustrate high-speed data exchange between two C++ components and basic data manipulation through the sandbox.

High-speed data

In this example, two C++ components are created: a source and a sink. We will then deploy these components through the sandbox and evaluate the statistics of the data transfer between them.

  1. Create a C++ component called source with a uses port called output of type dataShort. Add a simple property with ID xfer_length, type ulong, and default value of 100000. Generate the component code.

  2. Open the file source.h and add the following members to the source_i class:

    std::vector<short> data;
    bulkio::OutShortStream stream;
  3. Open the file source.cpp and edit it in the following ways:

    • In the source_i constructor:

    • In serviceFunction() comment-out the LOG_DEBUG statement and add the following lines:

      if (data.size() != this->xfer_length) {
      if (!stream) {
         stream = output->createStream("sample");
      BULKIO::PrecisionUTCTime tstamp = bulkio::time::utils::now();
      return NORMAL;
  4. Compile the component source and install it on Target SDR.

  5. Create a C++ component called sink with a provides port called input of type dataShort. Generate the component code.

  6. Open the file sink.cpp and edit it in the following ways:

    1. In serviceFunction(), comment-out the LOG_DEBUG statement

    2. Add the following lines:

      bulkio::InShortStream stream = input->getCurrentStream();
      if (!stream) {
         return NOOP;
      bulkio::ShortDataBlock block = stream.read();
      if (!block) {
         return NOOP;
      return NORMAL;
  7. Compile the component sink and install it on Target SDR.

  8. Start a Python session in a command line terminal and run the following commands:

    from ossie.utils import sb
    source = sb.launch("source")
    sink = sb.launch("sink")
    print source._ports[0]._get_statistics()[0].statistics

The output of the print statement is an instance of the PortStatistics structure in Bulk Input/Output (BulkIO). This structure contains the statistics gathered from this connection. A measure of data rate is bits per second.

To display the number of Gigabits per second, run the following command:

print source._ports[0]._get_statistics()[0].statistics.bitsPerSecond/1e9

The resulting value is the measured data transfer rate between the two components. The current xfer_length property can be viewed by typing the following:


The default value is 100000. Update the property to 200000 by running the following command:

source.xfer_length = 200000

Check the new data rate by repeating the call to _get_statistics(). The resulting data rate is now different.

Octet Ports

Octets are unsigned 8-bit units of data. In Java and C++, these map easily. However, that is not the case in Python, which treats a sequence of characters as a string. The following is an example of pushing Octet data out of a dataOctet port:

import numpy
outputData = [1,2,3,4,5]
outputDataAsString = numpy.array(outputData, numpy.uint8).tostring()
self.port_output.pushPacket(outputDataAsString, T, EOS, streamID)

Data manipulation

In this example, a Python component is created that takes vectors of floats as inputs, multiplies the vector by some arbitrary number, and then outputs the resulting vector. This example demonstrates some basic data manipulation as well as the interaction between the Python environment and the running component.

  1. Create a Python component called mult with a provides port called input of type dataFloat and a uses port called output of type dataFloat. Add a simple property with ID factor, type float, and default value of 1. Generate the component code.

  2. Open the file mult.py and add the following lines:

    data, T, EOS, streamID, sri, sriChanged, inputQueueFlushed = self.port_input.getPacket()
    if data == None:
        return NOOP
    outData = []
    for value in data:
    if sriChanged:
    self.port_output.pushPacket(outData, T, EOS, streamID)
    return NORMAL
  3. Save the project and drag the mult project to REDHAWK Explorer> Target SDR.

  4. Start a Python session in a command line terminal and run the following commands:

    from ossie.utils import sb
    mult = sb.launch("mult")
    source = sb.DataSource(dataFormat="float")
    sink = sb.DataSink()


    [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
  5. The multiplication factor can be changed while the sandbox is up.

    mult.factor = 2


    [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0]