Working with Complex Data

Each BurstPacket of the incoming data provides the getComplex() method to denote if the vector contains complex samples (It is comprised of real and imaginary parts.) Complex data is sent as alternating real and imaginary values. A developer can work with this data in any fashion; however, this section describes the common methods for converting the data into a more workable form.

Converting Complex Data in C++

In C++, the incoming Burst Input/Output (BurstIO) data vector may be typecast into a std::vector of complex values. For example:

BurstShortIn::BurstPacket *pkt = myShortPort->getPacket(bulkio::Const::BLOCKING);
if ( pkt->isComplex() ) {
  BurstShortIn::ComplexType cplx_data = pkt->getComplexData();

  // ... do some processing with cplx_data

Converting Complex Data in Python

The helper functions bulkioComplexToPythonComplexList and pythonComplexListToBulkioComplex, defined in the module ossie.utils.bulkio.bulkio_helpers, provide an efficient translation to and from lists of Python complex numbers.

Converting Complex Data in Java

Unlike with C++ and Python, Java does not have an ubiquitous means for representing complex numbers; therefore, when using Java, users are free to map the incoming BurstIO getData() method to the complex data representation of their choosing.