Port Statistics

All Burst Input/Output (BurstIO) ports support the Bulk Input/Output (BulkIO) statistics interface with additional keywords to track burst-specific metrics. Statistics are tracked over a window of 10 pushBurst calls. An input port contains a single PortStatistics structure, whereas, an output port contains a sequence of PortStatistics structures; one structure per connection. For more information on BULKIO::PortStatistics, see Port Statistics. The additional BurstIO metrics for both input and output ports are described in the following tables:


The following example illustrates a component that performs a transform on the incoming burst data and pushes the results downstream.

burstio::BurstShortIn::PacketType *pkt;
pkt = inShortPort->getPacket(bulkio::Const::NON_BLOCKING);

// check if a valid packet was returned
if ( pkt == NULL ) {
  return NOOP;

// check for EOS
if ( pkt->getEOS() ) {
  outShortPort->pushBurst(pkt->getSequence(), pkt->getSRI(), pkt->getEOS());

// do some processing.....to the burst contents
BurstShortOut::SequenceType  data =  do_some_magic(pkt->getSequence());

// we changed the data so calc new time stamp....
BULKIO::PrecisionUTCTime newTS = calc_timestamp(pkt->getTime());  

outShortPort->pushBurst(data, pkt->getSRI(), newTS, pkt->getEOS());


The following example illustrates a component that generates 10 bursts objects containing 100 samples of data and sends the array downstream.

  This example demonstrates a Component that uses the pushBursts method
  to generate data
int nbursts=10;
String sid = new String("stream-1-1");
BURSTIO.LongBurst [] bursts = new BURSTIO.LongBurst[nbursts];
// allocate space for 10 bursts to push downstream

// generate bursts with 100 samples of data for downstream
for ( int j=0; j < nbursts; j++ ) {
    BURSTIO.LongBurst burst  = new BURSTIO.LongBurst();
    burst.SRI = make_SRI( sid );
    // generate a Burst SRI object for use...
    burst.EOS = false;
    burst.T = burstio.Utils.now();
    burst.data = generate_samples( 100 );
    bursts[j] = burst;

longOutPort.pushBursts( bursts );


The following example illustrates a component that generates burst samples that will be filtered out by the port's routing table when at least 10 bursts are queued for delivery.

from redhawk.burstioInterfaces import BURSTIO
from redhawk.burstio import *

def initialize(self):
  # Send bursts to downstream resource using connection filtering
  #  **you will need to set the routing table in a property change event
  #     callback for the resource's connection table object**
  self.outShortPort.setRoutingMode( ROUTE_CONNECTION_STREAMS )

def generate_burst_samples(self, nsamps=10 ):
  # generate number of sample data..
  return range(nsamps)

def process(self):
  data = self.generate_burst_samples(100)
  SRI = burstio.utils.createSRI("test_stream_id")
  SRI.xdelta = 1.0/1000.0
  SRI.mode = 0

  self.outShortPort.pushBurst( data, SRI, burstio.utils.now() )

  return NORMAL