Logging Configuration Plugin

The Domain Manager may be extended to use a loadable library that can assist in the resolution of the LOGGING_CONFIG_URI parameter during application deployments. The following code and build files provide a template to build the loadable library: libossielogcfg.so.

The library should be installed in $OSSIEHOME/lib64 or $OSSIEHOME/lib depending on your hardware and operating system. If you choose to install the library in a different directory, you will need to add this path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting the DomainManager. To enable this feature in the DomainManager, use the --useloglib option when launching the nodeBooter program.

nodeBooter -D --useloglib

LogConfigUriResolver Class and Example

The LogConfigUriResolver class is the base class that your customized class will inherit. The class contains a single method get_uri, that will be used to resolve the logging configuration file location during deployment. The method accepts a single parameter path that describes the resource's path in the Domain. The following list describes the different resource paths:

Using this path, the customized code should return the location of a logging configuration file or an empty string (use current default resolution method). Logging configuration file locations should be formatted as follows:

The following example code creates a custom resolver class that provides logging configuration files from the local SDRROOT directory (file:///var/redhawk/sdr/dom/logcfg/device.log.cfg). The macro MAKE_FACTORY allows the class to be dynamically loaded by the Domain Manager.

#include <ossie/logging/LogConfigUriResolver.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

class CustomLogConfigResolver : public ossie::logging::LogConfigUriResolver {


  CustomLogConfigResolver() {};

  virtual ~CustomLogConfigResolver(){};


    Return a string object that will be passed to a resource on the command line as
    LOGGING_CONFIG_URI parameter. An empty string will be ignored by the DomainManager.

    @param path  Path of the resource in the domain.
                 for components, rsc:<domain name>/<application name>/<component Naming Service name>
                 e.g.            rsc:REDHAWK_DEV/TestWave_2/MyComp_4

                 for devices, dev:<domain name>/<node name>/<device's Naming Service name>
                 e.g.            dev:REDHAWK_DEV/Node_1/MyDevice_4

                 for service, svc:<domain name>/<node name>/<service's Naming Service name>
                 e.g.            svc:REDHAWK_DEV/Node_1/MyRedis_1

  std::string get_uri( const std::string &path ) {

    std::string sdrroot("");
    if ( ::getenv("SDRROOT")){
      sdrroot = ::getenv("SDRROOT");

    if ( path.find("dev:") != std::string::npos ) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "file://" << sdrroot << "/dom/logcfg/device.log.cfg";
      return std::string(os.str());
    if ( path.find("svc:") != std::string::npos ) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "file://" << sdrroot << "/dom/logcfg/serviceq.log.cfg";
      return std::string(os.str());

    if ( path.find("rsc:") != std::string::npos ) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "file://" << sdrroot << "/dom/logcfg/comp.log.cfg";
      return std::string(os.str());
    // an empty string return value will be ignored by the DomainManager
    return std::string("");



Build Files

Use the following build files to compile and build the above example code in a file called ossielogcfg.cpp. The compiled code produces a library called libossielogcfg.so that is installed in $OSSIEHOME/lib or $OSSIEHOME/lib64. The build process follows the same paradigm as standard REDHAWK generated software: reconf; configure; make install.


Save the following code to a file called reconf, and make the file executable.


rm -f config.cache
[ -d m4 ] || mkdir m4
autoreconf -i


Save the following code to a file called configure.ac.

AC_INIT(ossielogcfg, 1.0.0)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([nostdinc foreign])


# TODO: Make this an installed macro
AS_IF( [ test `uname -i` == "x86_64"  ], [ libdir="$prefix/lib64" ], [ libdir="$prefix/lib" ] )

m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])

# Dependencies
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([REDHAWK], [ossie >= 2.0])

AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile ])


Save the following code to a file called Makefile.am.

Remember to replace the spaces before rm -rf m4 with a tab to prevent the Makefile.am file from crashing.

ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 -I${OSSIEHOME}/share/aclocal/ossie
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libossielogcfg.la

xmldir = $(prefix)
dist_xml_DATA =

    rm -rf m4

libossielogcfg_la_SOURCES = ossielogcfg.cpp
libossielogcfg_la_LIBADD = $(REDHAWK_LIBS)
libossielogcfg_la_CPPFLAGS = -I . -I $(srcdir)/include $(REDHAWK_CFLAGS) $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS)
libossielogcfg_la_CXXFLAGS = -Wall