Troubleshoot Connections

This section explains how to diagnose connection issues.

Diagnosing Problems Using the rh_net_diag Script

The rh_net_diag script is a Python script used to diagnose various omniORB-related problems and to perform other system checks to diagnose potential problems that may impact a REDHAWK installation. To run this script, enter the following command:


By default, the --ns (Naming Service), --dom (Domain Manager), and --dev (Device Manager) options are enabled when the script is executed. These options assume that omniNames, the Domain Manager, and the Device Manager are all running on the host executing the script. For help with rh_net_diag, enable the -h option. For more detailed output, enable the -v option. The four test categories include:

If all the above checks pass, but the Domain Manager and Device Manager still cannot communicate with the Naming Service, manually check the firewall settings on the host running omniNames. Confirm there is a firewall rule that allows for new connections between hosts. For example, the following iptables rule allows new TCP connections from subnet

INPUT -s -p tcp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT