Waveform Editor

The Waveform Editor presents all the content that can be found within the sad.xml file in an editing environment designed for ease of use.

Waveform Editor

To open the Waveform Editor, double-click a Software Assembly Descriptor (SAD) file from the Project Explorer view. The Waveform Editor contains an Overview, Properties, Components, Diagram, and a raw XML tab, which contains the SAD file content.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab provides general information about the waveform and hyperlinks to additional waveform-related sections within the IDE.

Waveform Editor Overview Tab

The Overview tab contains the following sections:

Properties Tab

The Properties tab provides access to the component's properties within the waveform.

Waveform Editor Properties Tab

Within the Properties tab, you can:

The properties of the component designated as the Assembly Controller are always accessible externally and are grayed out in the Properties tab. Additional properties may be assigned an external ID, which allows for a particular component's property to be designated as accessible to external waveform objects. See External Properties for additional information.

To make a property external:

  1. Select the Properties tab of the application's SAD file.

  2. Edit the External ID field by entering the desired ID.

The external IDs must be unique. They can not duplicate another external property's ID, or the ID of a property belonging to the assembly controller.

The following sample Properties tab displays several properties with assigned external IDs and several properties with SAD values set to override their PRF values.

Waveform External Properties

Diagram Tab

The Diagram tab is used to place components into a waveform, connect components together, set waveform-specific properties for components, make a port external, and add a usesdevice relationship to a FrontEnd Tuner device.

Waveform Editor Diagram Tab

To zoom in and out on the diagram, press and hold Ctrl then scroll up or down. Alternatively, press and hold Ctrl then press + or -.

To add a component to the waveform and configure its properties:

  1. Drag the component from the Palette onto the diagram.
  2. Right-click the component.
  3. Select Show Properties
  4. From the Properties view, change the desired properties.
  5. Press Ctrl+S to save the changes.

If you want to quickly locate a component in the Palette, you can replace the text type filter text in the text field at the top of the Palette with a keyword to filter the component list.

Any property modified here is specific to this waveform and does not impact the component's execution in other environments.

To make a port external:

  1. Left-click the port you want to make external, to gain focus on the port.

  2. Right-click the port to open the port context menu.

  3. Select Mark External Port.

Mark External Ports

From the Diagram tab, a user may also use the Find By feature. The Find By feature enables a user to find a resource by name, a service by name or type, or an event channel by name.

Connections may be made from input to output ports by clicking and dragging from one port to the other. Multiple connections can be drawn to or from ports. Any unsupported or erroneous connection that the IDE can detect is marked with an appropriate indicator. Hovering over the indicator provides information concerning the error.

To add a dependency on a FrontEnd Tuner device that the waveform needs to use at runtime (a usesdevice in the XML):

  1. From the Palette, in the Advanced folder, select Use FrontEnd Tuner Device and drag it onto the diagram. The Allocate Tuner dialog is displayed.

Select Target Device

  1. Select the FrontEnd Tuner device you want to use. This will complete some of the information in the subsequent wizard pages. Alternatively, select Generic FrontEnd Device for defaults. Click Next.

Allocate Tuner

  1. Enter the Uses Device ID and optionally, enter the Device Model, and then click Next.

  2. Enter the appropriate information and click Next. For more information, refer to Allocating a FrontEnd Tuner.

Identify Ports

  1. Enter the names of any uses and provides ports that you want to use from the target device and click Finish. The Use FrontEnd Tuner Device is displayed in the diagram. When you launch the waveform, the FrontEnd Tuner device must be available in order for the waveform to run.

    The sad.xml tab displays the raw XML data, which describes this waveform fully. Although not recommended, manually editing the XML file is supported.