WARNING: The IDE has been deprecated as of REDHAWK version 3.0.0.

The REDHAWK IDE leverages Java technologies and requires Java 8. The IDE also includes native libraries that allow the IDE to have a look and feel appropriate for the OS. A minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required, but 4 GB+ is recommended.

WARNING: The IDE should no longer be used for code generation. Instead, use the IDE to generate the PRF, SCD, and SPD XML files. Then, run redhawk-codegen directly on that SPD file.

To install a stand-alone IDE:

  1. Ensure your system has the appropriate dependencies installed.

    On RHEL/CentOS 7:

    sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel PackageKit-gtk3-module libcanberra-gtk3 libwebkit2gtk
  2. Download the appropriate archive from the REDHAWK release page on GitHub.

    We do not currently plan to release an IDE for REDHAWK 3 and above. As of 2021-Nov, the latest IDE is from version 2.3.0. If necessary, click on the Assets heading to expand the list or archives to show the IDE.

  3. Choose a location and extract the archive:

    tar zxf redhawk-ide-<version>-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz

NOTE: Before running the IDE, follow the instructions in section 'Java and JacORB'.

  1. Start the IDE by running the eclipse executable in the eclipse directory.