Shared Address

Instructions for getting up and running with shared address space components.

Creating a Shared Library Component

In the REDHAWK IDE, create a component project as you normally would, selecting C++ as the language. C++ components default to a shared library implementation.

Converting a Component to a Shared Library

  1. Open up the component SPD in the editor and select the Implementations tab.
  2. In the right hand side of the pane, expand the Code section.
  3. Change Type to be "SharedLibrary"
  4. Add ".so" to the end of Entry Point and File
  5. Re-generate the component

Other than changing the code entry, everything else is the same. When you generate the component, it will produce different, and main.cpp files. Make sure there are overwritten.

Running a Shared Library Component

Shared library support is built in to both the Python Sandbox and IDE Chalkboard. Launch the component the same way as always (by path or by name); the Sandbox/Chalkboard recognizes that the component is a shared library and, if necessary, launches the ComponentHost soft package. The component is then deployed into the ComponentHost. All shared library components in the Sandbox/Chalkboard run in the same ComponentHost.

Within the REDHAWK IDE, to terminate the ComponentHost instance, click the "Release Waveform" button from the toolbar.

BulkIO Memory Sharing

This is where the bulk (no pun intended) of the difference comes in. To avoid copies, you have to use the new shared buffer classes and API.

There are two STL-like template classes for working with shared data:

Buffer classes have reference semantics, which means that assignment shares the underlying buffer instead of making a deep copy. Multiple buffer classes can point to the same underlying memory; the memory is freed only once there are no more references. For this reason, buffers are memory leak-proof (unless you create them as pointers view the new operator).

The intent is that new data starts out as a redhawk::buffer<T>, which then gracefully degrades to a redhawk::shared_buffer<T> once it's passed to the port. This allows the originator to modify the data as needed, but prevents any downstream receivers from modifying it, which is necessary to avoid copies. Both classes are part of the core libraries (not BulkIO), in <ossie/shared_buffer.h>, and have complete Doxygen documentation.

Unlike std::vector, the size is fixed at creation time.

BulkIO Output Ports

Using the output stream API is strongly recommended, but all of the numeric port classes have an overload of pushPacket() that takes a shared buffer for the data argument.

To create a new writeable buffer, use the single-argument construtor with the desired size (in number of elements) to allocate space:

redhawk::buffer<float> buffer(1024);
    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < buffer.size(); ++ii) {
        buffer[ii] = (float) ii;
stream.write(buffer, bulkio::time::utils::now());

The buffer is shared with all local connections (which now have a redhawk::shared_buffer that points to the same data), and transferred over CORBA for remote connections (same IPC cost as before). Once a redhawk::buffer has been shared with other contexts, in this case via the write() method, you must not modify it.

If your algorithm requires history (besides overlap, which is supported from the input stream), it's cheap to keep a read-only "copy" of your output buffer:

redhawk::shared_buffer<float> history = buffer;

BulkIO Input Ports

To use this feature, you must use BulkIO input streams. The DataBlock classes have been updated to use a redhawk::shared_buffer internally, and provide access to the internal buffer in both scalar and complex forms:

bulkio::InFloatStream stream = dataFloat_in->getCurrentStream();
    if (!stream) {
        return NOOP;

    bulkio::FloatDataBlock block =;
    if (!block) {
        return NOOP;

    if (block.complex()) {
        redhawk::shared_buffer<std::complex<float> > buffer = block.cxbuffer();
        std::complex<float> sum = std::accumulate(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), std::complex<float>(0.0, 0.0));
    } else {
        redhawk::shared_buffer<float> buffer = block.buffer();
        float sum = std::accumulate(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), 0.0);

    return NORMAL;

You can pass along the input buffer to an output stream, and the same sharing rules apply as above (though you don't have write access).

Advanced Usage

Beyond being a better array, buffers include some additional features for low-level and signal processing use.

Externally Acquired Memory

You can wrap existing memory in a redhawk::shared_buffer or redhawk::buffer (depending on whether you plan to modify it via the buffer's API):

float* data = new float[1024];
redhawk::shared_buffer<float> buffer(data, 1024);

The buffer takes ownership of the memory, calling delete[] when the last reference goes away.

Custom Deleter

You can customize the delete behavior by passing your own deleter as the third argument:

float* data = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * 1024));
redhawk::shared_buffer<float> buffer(data, 1024, &std::free);

The deleter can be any callable object or function pointer that takes a single argument, a pointer to the memory being deleted. The std::free example is somewhat contrived, but it's easy to imagine a scenario like SourceNic, where you may want to push portions of a larger slab of memory to downstream components, and then be notified when the chunk becomes available for DMA.


Buffer classes provide a slice() method, which allows you to get a subset of the data without making a copy. The returned buffer still shares the underlying memory, but only provides access within the bounds provided.

// NB: The arguments are the start and end indices.
redhawk::shared_buffer<float> part = buffer.slice(8, 24);
// part.size() == 16


The internal data is strongly typed, but you can reinterpret a buffer as another type with the static method recast(), similar to C++'s reinterpret_cast. The size of the elements are taken into account in the returned buffer, with remainder always truncated.

redhawk::buffer<std::complex<short> > source(20); // 80 bytes
redhawk::shared_buffer<short> shorty = redhawk::shared_buffer<short>::recast(source);                                                        |
// shorty.size() == 40