Managing Properties

Properties are defined by their structure, kind, and type. The four different property structures include:

Three commonly used kinds of properties in REDHAWK include:

The property's type corresponds with basic programming language primitive types such as floats, long integers, booleans, etc. Additionally, numeric types can be complex.

Through the use of generated code and the REDHAWK libraries, manipulation of properties uses fundamental types provided by C++, Python, or Java, as seen in Properties. For example, a simple sequence, complex-float property is manipulated via a std::vector< std::complex<float> > variable in C++ and a list of Python complex objects in Python. Generated component code provides a class data field representing each property for that component.

The primitive data types supported for simple and simple sequence properties are: boolean, octet, float, double, short, ushort, long, longlong, ulong, ulonglong, string, objref, char, and utctime. The utctime type is used to describe time and can be used to synchronize property change events and queries on the component or device. To set a default value for a time as a property, use a string of the form "YYYY:MM:DD::hh:mm:ss.sss" where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour (0-23), mm is the minutes, and ss.sss is the fractional seconds.

In some cases, it is desirable for the utctime property to be initialized to the current time. To do so, the default value (in either the component's default property value or as an overload at the waveform level) is set to "now", which is the time when the component is deployed. The string "now" can also be used in the Python sandbox to set the utctime property's value to the current time. Inside the component code, helpers are available to set the utctime property value to the current time; for example, in C++, the following code sets the property to now:

my_prop = redhawk::time::utils::now();

The following primitive data types can be marked as complex values: boolean, octet, float, double, short, ushort, long, longlong, ulong, and ulonglong.

Each component implements the CF::PropertySet interface, which provides remote access to the component's properties through the query() and configure() methods. The query() method provides a means for reading a component's current property settings and the configure() method provides a means for setting a component's property values. Properties identified in these methods will use the property identifier value to resolve identifier access. The property mode attribute (readonly, writeonly, or readwrite) controls access to the query() and the configure() methods.

The REDHAWK library base classes provide a complete implementation of configure(), with the creation of specific properties handled per component by the generated base classes. Beyond the basic updating of local values, the standard configure() implementation provides:

Because of these enhancements, developers are strongly discouraged from overloading either the query() or configure() methods.

For more information about managing property changes and customizing query() and configure(), refer to Property Change Listeners and Customizing Query and Configure.

Property ID

Properties are identified by ID and name. The ID must be unique to the scope of the component or device. This uniqueness applies to all properties, including the members of struct and struct sequence properties. Therefore, if two different struct properties in the same component each have a member with the name abc, both members cannot use the ID abc.

To eliminate ID conflicts, REDHAWK provides a naming convention that allows for multiple struct properties to use the same member names without creating ID conflicts. For members of a struct, the ID is created by combining the name of the member and the ID of the struct. For example, if struct property foo has a simple member bar, the member would have the name bar and ID foo::bar. The naming convention also applies to struct sequence properties as well.

Property Name

The property name, if provided, is used for member variables in generated code and for display within the IDE. If not provided, the ID is used instead.

Property Access

The mode setting applies only to properties of kind property. The value of mode (readonly, writeonly, or readwrite) determines the property's ability to support configure() or query().

Do not configure() or query() properties for which the kind setting does not include property. The action may have no effect, or worse, return some undefined value.

If no value is provided for a property, it receives a default value. Alternately, the user may set a value in the IDE, or equivalently, in the PRF. This value (default or user-provided) can be considered to be set at component definition time. For properties with the kind setting property, this initial value can be overwritten later, at component usage time, in the following:

This overwrite happens after the language-provided constructor runs and before the generated constructor() function runs. Consequently, it is not recommended to access properties in the language-provided constructor. Instead, wait until the property value overwrites are complete. Then, access properties in the generated constructor() function.

Property Change Listeners

Often, it is useful to trigger additional actions when the value of a property changes. Components support a type of notification called property change listeners that enable the developer to register callback methods that are executed whenever configure() is called with new values for the particular property.

Property change listeners are executed while holding the lock that protects access to all properties for the component. This ensures that no outside changes can occur while responding to property changes. The callback may alter the value of the property or call additional functions; however, avoid computationally expensive or blocking operations.


C++ components support notification of property value changes using member function callbacks.

The following example explains how to add a property change listener for the freqMHz simple property of type float, of a component named MyComponent.

In [component].h, add a private method declaration for your callback. The callback receives two arguments, the old and new values:

void freqMHz_changed(float oldValue, float newValue);

Implement the function in [component].cpp.

Then, in the component constructor(), register the change listener:

this->addPropertyListener(freqMHz, this, &MyComponent_i::freqMHz_changed);

addPropertyListener takes three arguments: the property's member variable, the target object (typically this) and a pointer to a member function.

When defining a property listener for struct or sequence property, the new and old values are passed by const reference:

void taps_changed(const std::vector<float>& oldValue, const std::vector<float>& newValue);


Like C++, Python components allow registering listeners by property. The callback is typically a member function.

The following example explains how to add a property change listener for the freqMHz property.

Define the callback as a member function on your component. Excluding the implicit self argument, the callback receives three arguments: the property ID and the old and new values.

def freqMHz_changed(self, propid, oldval, newval):
    # Perform action based on change

In your component constructor() method, register the change listener:

self.addPropertyChangeListener("freqMHz", self.freqMHz_changed)


Java properties support an idiomatic listener interface for responding to changes. As opposed to C++ and Python, listener registration is performed directly on the property object.

The following example explains how to add a property change listener for the freqMHz property of a component named MyComponent.

Define your callback that will respond to changes for the property as a member function on your component class. For simple numeric properties, the old and new value arguments can be the primitive type (for example, float):

private void freqMHz_changed(float oldValue, float newValue) {
    // Perform action based on change

In your component's constructor() method, define an anonymous subclass of that connects the property's change notification to your callback. For simple numeric properties, the type parameter of the PropertyListener class must be the boxed type (for example, Float).

this.freqMHz.addChangeListener(new PropertyListener<Float>() {
    public void valueChanged(Float oldValue, Float newValue) {
        MyComponent.this.freqMHz_changed(oldValue, newValue);

Customizing Query and Configure

This feature is only available in C++.

The REDHAWK libraries and generated component code automatically handle query() and configure() for all defined properties. However, in some cases, it may be preferable to retrieve the current value of a property in response to a query(), such as when fetching status from an external library. A developer may also want more control over how the property value is set. Components support per-property callbacks to customize query and configure behavior.

The query callback is called when the component receives a query() for that property, in lieu of consulting the local state. Likewise, the configure callback is called when the component receives a configure() for that property, instead of updating the component local state.

Unlike property listeners, the configure callback is always called regardless of whether the new value is equal to the old value.

Query and configure callbacks are executed while holding the lock that protects access to all properties for the component. This ensures that the callback has exclusive access to the component properties. If possible, avoid computationally expensive or blocking operations to ensure that the component remains responsive.


In C++, query and configure callbacks are registered on the components. Registering a new callback replaces the old one.

Query Callbacks

To create a query callback, in [component].h, add a private member function declaration. It takes no arguments and returns the value:

float get_freqMHz();

Implement the function in [component].cpp.

Then, in the body of constructor(), register the query function:

this->setPropertyQueryImpl(freqMHz, this, &MyComponent_i::get_freqMHz);

setPropertyQueryImpl takes three arguments: the property's member variable, the target object (typically this) and a pointer to a member function.

Configure Callbacks

To create a configure callback, in [component].h, add a private member function declaration. It takes one argument, the new value, and returns void:

void set_freqMHz(float value);

Implement the function in [component].cpp.

Then, in the body of constructor(), register the configure function:

this->setPropertyConfigureImpl(freqMHz, this, &MyComponent_i::set_freqMHz);

setPropertyConfigureImpl takes three arguments: the property's member variable, the target object (typically this) and a pointer to a member function.

When a configure callback is set, the member variable is not updated automatically. It is up to the component developer to update the member variable, if desired.

Overriding the configure() Method

For the vast majority of cases, the standard configure() implementation is sufficient. Developers are strongly discouraged from overriding configure(). However, in the event that additional functionality beyond what is provided is required, the overridden method should call the base class configure() method to ensure that the behavior expected by the library and framework is preserved. Whether the base class method is pre- or post-extended is left to the discretion of the component developer.


External listeners to properties can be informed of changes in component properties by using the registerPropertyListener function on the component. The registerPropertyListener function allows an event consumer to register with the component. Upon registration, the component begins a thread that monitors the value of the requested properties. When the value of any of the monitored properties changes, an event is issued notifying the consumer what property changed on what component, when, and to what new value.

To maintain synchronization between property change events and query calls to the component, it is possible to add a QUERY_TIMESTAMP property to the query. The QUERY_TIMESTAMP property on the query() is populated with the timestamp for this query. The returned timestamp can be compared to asynchronously received property change events to assess what is the most recent known value for the requested property.

Querying and Configuring Components and Devices

The previous sections explain the component developer's ability to define properties and respond to external requests to query the property value or change its value through a configure call. This section focuses on the process of invoking a query or configure call from an external source.

Properties are packed as a sequence of CF::DataType structures, where each CF::DataType structure is composed of the string element id and the CORBA::Any element value, forming an id/value pair for any one property. The CORBA::Any element is a construct that can hold any arbitrary data type (including custom-defined structures and objects); this construct holds both the value itself and information regarding the type for the value. REDHAWK struct properties are packed as nested sequences of CF::DataType. The outer construct is the property, and the value element contains a sequence of CF::DataType elements, one for each member of the structure.

Properties in REDHAWK are strongly typed, so the data type for the value element must match the type that the component or device expects for that particular property. If the wrong type is packed into the CORBA::Any, the property will fail to configure. For example, if a property is defined as type long and the value packed into the value element is of type short, then the operation will fail.

Only use query() and configure() on a property if it's kind includes 'property'.

Access from C++

Accessing component or device properties from a C++ program can be awkward because it requires the developer to comply with the CORBA API. To simplify the manipulation of properties, REDHAWK includes redhawk::PropertyMap which overlays the std::map API onto CF::DataType sequences enabling the developer to inspect, add, or remove a property from a property sequence.

Configure a value:

include <ossie/PropertyMap.h>

CF::Properties my_props;
redhawk::PropertyMap &tmp = redhawk::PropertyMap::cast(my_props);

short num_value = 2;
std::string str_value("hello");

tmp["property_id_a"] = num_value;
tmp["property_id_b"] = str_value;


short retval = tmp["property_id"].toShort();

Query a value:

include <ossie/PropertyMap.h>

CF::Properties my_props;
redhawk::PropertyMap &tmp = redhawk::PropertyMap::cast(my_props);

tmp["property_id_a"] = redhawk::Value();
tmp["property_id_b"] = redhawk::Value();

short num_value = tmp["property_id_a"].toShort();
std::string str_value = tmp["property_id_b"].toString();

Additional convenience functions are declared in the header ossie/CorbaUtils.h. These functions make it easier to interact directly with the CORBA::Any type, but they have been superseded by redhawk::PropertyMap and are included only to maintain API compatibility with older software.

Access from Java

To make the interaction with the Any type simpler, REDHAWK includes the package This package includes helper functions converting primitive property types, complex values, and sequences to and from an Any object.

Configure a value:

import CF.DataType;
import java.util.ArrayList;

short num_value = 2;
String str_value = "hello";

ArrayList<DataType> props = new ArrayList<DataType>();
props.add(new DataType("property_id_a", AnyUtils.toAny((Object)num_value, "short")));
props.add(new DataType("property_id_b", AnyUtils.toAny((Object)str_value, "string")));
try {
} catch (CF.PropertySetPackage.PartialConfiguration|CF.PropertySetPackage.InvalidConfiguration e) {

Query a value:

import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import CF.DataType;
import CF.UnknownProperties;

PropertiesHolder props_h = new PropertiesHolder();
props.add(new DataType("property_id_a", ORB.init().create_any()));
props.add(new DataType("property_id_b", ORB.init().create_any()));
props_h.value = (DataType[])props.toArray();
try {
} catch (CF.UnknownProperties e) {
short num_value = (short) AnyUtils.convertAny(props_h.value[0].value);
String str_value = (String) AnyUtils.convertAny(props_h.value[1].value);

Access from Python

Accessing component or device properties, or any other control functionality in REDHAWK, is simplest from a Python program. The Python sandbox is an environment that presents REDHAWK as Pythonic elements, making it easy to access elements in the framework. The Python sandbox was designed to support the development of command-and-control software that performs functions like querying or configuring properties.

Configure a value:

from ossie.utils import sb, redhawk
# the sb package is used to launch component instances
# the redhawk package is used to connect to a running domain

comp.property_id_a = 2
comp.property_id_b = "hello"

Query a value:

from ossie.utils import sb, redhawk
# the sb package is used to launch component instances
# the redhawk package is used to connect to a running domain

print comp.property_id_a      # prints "2" to standard out

print comp.property_id_b      # prints "hello" to standard out

num_value = comp.property_id_a.queryValue() # queryValue is needed to assign the value rather than the container
str_value = comp.property_id_b.queryValue() # queryValue is needed to assign the value rather than the container

Helper functions designed to support the development of Python software, such as and, are still available in compliance with REDHAWK's API support policy; however, REDHAWK does not recommend using these helper functions in any new software. Python is not strongly typed like C++ or Java, making packing values into an Any object error-prone. Functions such as do not have enough information regarding property data types and often pack the property using the wrong native type (for example, using double instead of float), which leads to difficulty when debugging problems.