


Contains the source and build script for the REDHAWK rh.RTL2832U device. Realtek RTL2832U usb dongle device using librtlsdr. Supports various tuners, including Elonics E4000, Rafael Micro R820T and R828D, Fitipower FC0012 and FC0013, and FCI FC2580.


This device depends on the RTL SDR library, version 0.5.2.


This asset requires the librtlsdr library. This must be installed in order to build and run this asset. To build from source, run the build.sh script. To install to $SDRROOT, run build.sh install.


Prior to launching this device, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH may need to be updated to include the librtlsdr library (i.e. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib).

There is currently a bug where the RTL interface may not work when the device debug level is set at ‘DEBUG’ or ‘TRACE’. If issues occur and your debug level is at ‘DEBUG’ or ‘TRACE’, try and set the debug level as ‘INFO’.

FEI Compliance Test Results

See the FEI Compliance Results document.