## Table of Contents


The REDHAWK rh.MSDD device is a FRONTEND 2.0 Interfaces (FEI) compliant device for the Midwest Microwave MSDD-3000/6000/0660 series receiver. The rh.MSDD device is written in the Python programming language and communicates with receiver using the host’s network interface. The rh.MSDD properties described below determine the connection and tuner output configuration the MSDD radio. The command formats and descriptions are documented in the MSDD API document from Midwest Microwave Systems.

The rh.MSDD device is meant to be configured a single RF flow. This is controlled using the ‘msdd::receiver_id’ property at device startup. This property will be referenced to filter out the MSDD tuner modules from the specified RCV module instance. For single channel MSDD radios this value will be the default to RCV:1. All WBDDC and NBDDC tuner modules from this RCV module instance will configured as Frontend tuner devices. For dual Channel MSDD radios, you can use the rh.MSDD device to process a single RF flow (i.e. ‘RCV:1’) on the radio. If you want to process both RCV modules on a dual channel radio you will need to use the rh.MSDD_Controller device.

The rh.MSDD will communicate to the MSDD radio using the msdd property structure at device start up. The following properties are used during start up to configure the MSDD radio.

Once the rh.MSDD device has completed initialization, the following run time properties will affect tuner allocations, tuner gain and PSD calculations.

The following run time properties describe the state of the MSDD radio and the frontend tuner devices associated with the MSDD tuner module hardware.


device_kind string readonly kind of device, FRONTEND::TUNER for FEI 2.0
device_model string readonly Information from the console identity command. (MSDD CON IDN?)
frontend_group_id string readwrite Group id for FEI group allocation requests
msdd structure readwrite MSDD connection and board setup information
time_of_day structure readwrite MSDD Time of Day (TOD) module configuration
advanced structure readwrite Advanced controls to configure MSDD tuner types, and threshold states to control device usage state
tuner_output structureseq readonly Output stream configuration from MSDD digital tuners.
block_tuner_output structureseq readonly Output stream configuration for blocks of MSDD digital tuners
block_psd_output structureseq readonly Output stream configuration for blocks FFT channels assigned to tuners.
psd_configuration structure readwrite FFT module (FFT) parameters used to configure a FFT channel for controlling allocations.
gain_configuration structure readwrite Gain settings (GAI) for each MSDD tuner type (RCV,WBDDC,NBDDC)
msdd_status structure readonly MSDD status information
FRONTEND::tuner_status structureseq readonly Frontend tuner status information for each MSDD tuner.
FRONTEND::listener_allocation structure writeonly FRONTEND tuner listener allocation structure, consult REDHAWK manual for details
FRONTEND::tuner_allocation structure writeonly FRONTEND tuner allocation structure, consult REDHAWK manual for details


The msdd structure defines the connection, reference clock, and receiver_identifier properties for the MSDD device.

msdd::ip_address string IP address of the MSDD in dot notation (MSDD CON IPP). Default is
msdd::port string Port number the MSDD listens on, default value is 23, (MSDD CON IPP)
msdd::time_out double Time out to wait if MSDD does not respond to a command request, default value is 0.2.
msdd::clock_ref short Configures the external reference. INTERNAL reference clock (0), EXTERNAL 10Mhz reference signal (10) (MSDD BRD EXR)
msdd::receiver_id string Filter WBDDC and NBDDC channels from this receiver source (RCV:1)


The time_of_day structure controls the configuration of the MSDD Time of Day module (TOD). The state of the Time of Day module is reported in the msdd_status structure.

time_of_day::mode string Time source (TOD MOD): SIM - simulated, ONE PPS - one pulse per second, IRIG - IRIGB timing source, NAV - Navigation timing source (requires external module), TFN - Time frequency navigation timing source (requires external module). Default is SIM.
time_of_day::reference_adjust short Adjust internal reference adjustment in ns/sec drift (TOD RFA). Default is 0.
time_of_day::reference_track short Tracking mode for the reference signal (TOD RTK): OFF (0), CALIBRATE (1), TRACK (2). Default is 0.
time_of_day::toy short (TOD TOY), Time of year offset for IRIGB source, 24 hour offset (0), Direct from signal (1). Default is 0.
time_of_day::tracking_interval double Time between host and radio time status checks. Default is 0 (turn off check)


The advanced structured property defines a mapping of MSDD tuner modules to FRONTEND tuner types, defines thresholds to control device busy state, enables/disables FFT channels, and controls the use of SWDDC channels for NBDDC modues to provide additional decimation.

advanced::rcvr_mode short Maps MSDD RCV module to FEI tuner types: Not allocatable (0), RX Only (8). Default is 0.
advanced::wb_ddc_mode short Maps MSDD WBDDC module to FEI tuner types: Not allocatable (0), RX_DIGITIZER_CHANNELIZER Only (2), RX_DIGITIZER Only (4), RX_DIGITIZER or RX_DIGITIZER_CHANNELIZER (6). Default is 6.
advanced::hw_ddc_mode short Maps MSDD NBDDC module to FEI tuner types: Not allocatable (0), DDC only (1), RX_DIGITIZER Only (4), RX_DIGITIZER or DDC (5). Default is 5.
advanced::enable_fft_channels boolean True: Link a FFT channel to each NBDDC tuner’s output for PSD output. Only controlling allocations will be assigned a FFT channel, False : Disable FTT channels and linking. Default is False.
advanced::max_cpu_load float Maximum allowable cpu load on the MSDD receiver. A device’s BUSY state is enabled if the load (MSDD CON CPL?) exceeds the threshold. Default is 95.0.
advanced::max_nic_percentage float Maximum network utilization (as a percentage 0.0 to 100.0) that enables a device BUSY state. The MSDD NET BRT command defines the bit rate for a network interface. The total bit output rate is calculated for each enabled output module (i.e. tuner output). If this value exceeds the stated network utilization limit, a BUSY state is enabled. During all tuner allocations, this limit is checked to ensure the limit is not exceeded. Default is 90.0.
advanced::minimum_connected_nic_rate float Validates the MSDD radio’s network interface supports the specified minimum data rate. Controls if the rh.MSDD should connect to the MSDD radio. Default is 1000 Mbps.


The tuner_output sequence contains the tuner_output_definition structure that defines the stream output configuration from a specific MSDD digital tuner. If tuner_output and block_tuner_output values are defined, the tuner_output properties override the block_tuner_output information for a specific tuner.

tuner_output::tuner_number short Index of MSDD tuner in sequence of frontend_tuner_status structures (0 based)
tuner_output::enabled boolean Controls output module’s enable state for the assigned tuner. (OUT ENB). Default is True.
tuner_output::protocol string Controls output packet format (OUT POL). UDP_SDDS : SDDS packet format, UDP_SDDSX - SDDSX packet format, UDP_SDDSA - SDDSA packet format, UDP_RAW - Raw packet format, UDP_VITA49 - VITA49 Data packet format. Default is UDP_SDDS.
tuner_output::interface short Network interface to publish data (0 based). Default 0.
tuner_output::ip_address string Destination IP address (OUT IPP)
tuner_output::port short Destination IP port (OUT IPP ). Default is 8800
tuner_output::vlan_enable boolean Enable VLAN tagging (OUT VLANEN). Default is True.
tuner_output::vlan short VLAN ID for 802.1q packets (OUT VLANTCI). Default is -1.
tuner_output::timestamp_offset short Offset applied in 1ns increments (OUT TSOFS). Default is 0.
tuner_output::endianess short BIG_ENDIAN (0). LITTLE ENDIAN (1) (OUT END). Default is LITTLE_ENDIAN.
tuner_output::mfp_flush long Packet flush control bit mask (OUT MFP). Default is all bits enabled.


The block_tuner_output sequence contains the block_tuner_output_definition structure that defines the stream output configuration for a block of MSDD tuners. See tuner_output property for precedence of stream output configuration settings.

block_tuner_output::tuner_number_start short Starting tuner number for block
block_tuner_output::tuner_number_stop short Ending tuner number of block
block_tuner_output::enabled boolean Controls output module’s enable state for the assigned tuner. (OUT ENB). Default is True.
block_tuner_output::protocol string Controls output packet format (OUT POL). UDP_SDDS : SDDS packet format, UDP_SDDSX - SDDSX packet format, UDP_SDDSA - SDDSA packet format, UDP_RAW - Raw packet format, UDP_VITA49 - VITA49 Data packet format. Default is UDP_SDDS.
block_tuner_output::interface short Network interface to publish data (0 based). Default 0.
block_tuner_output::ip_address string Destination IP address (OUT IPP)
block_tuner_output::port short Destination IP port (OUT IPP ). Default is 8800
block_tuner_output::vlan_enable boolean Enable VLAN tagging (OUT VLANEN). Default is True.
block_tuner_output::vlan short VLAN ID for 802.1q packets (OUT VLANTCI). Default is -1.
block_tuner_output::timestamp_offset short Offset applied in 1ns increments (OUT TSOFS). Default is 0.
block_tuner_output::endianess short BIG_ENDIAN (0). LITTLE ENDIAN (1) (OUT END). Default is LITTLE_ENDIAN.
block_tuner_output::mfp_flush long Packet flush control bit mask (OUT MFP). Default is all bits enabled.


The block_psd_output sequence contains the block_psd_output_definition that defines the output stream configuration for a block of MSDD FFT channels.

block_psd_output::fft_channel_start short Starting FFT channel of block (0 based)
block_psd_output::fft_channel_stop short Ending FFT channel of block
block_psd_output::enabled boolean Controls output module’s enable state for the assigned tuner. (OUT ENB). Default is True.
block_psd_output::protocol string Controls output packet format (OUT POL). UDP_SDDS : SDDS packet format, UDP_SDDSX - SDDSX packet format, UDP_SDDSA - SDDSA packet format, UDP_RAW - Raw packet format, UDP_VITA49 - VITA49 Data packet format. Default is UDP_SDDS.
block_psd_output::interface short Network interface to publish data (0 based). Default 0.
block_psd_output::ip_address string Destination IP address (OUT IPP)
block_psd_output::port short Destination IP port (OUT IPP ). Default is 8800
block_psd_output::vlan_enable boolean Enable VLAN tagging (OUT VLANEN). Default is True.
block_psd_output::vlan short VLAN ID for 802.1q packets (OUT VLANTCI). Default is -1.
block_psd_output::timestamp_offset short Offset applied in 1ns increments (OUT TSOFS). Default is 0.
block_psd_output::endianess short BIG_ENDIAN (0). LITTLE ENDIAN (1) (OUT END). Default is LITTLE_ENDIAN.
block_psd_output::mfp_flush long Packet flush control bit mask (OUT MFP). Default is all bits enabled.


The psd_configuration structure defines the FFT module settings. These settings are applied to the FFT module when controlling allocation is requested and advanced.enable_fft_channels is True.

psd_configuration::fft_size double Number of FFT bins (FFT PNT)
psd_configuration::time_average double Number of averages based on time in seconds. (FFT AVG)
psd_configuration::time_between_ffts double Time between FFT operations on a tuner channel. (FFT RAT)
psd_configuration::output_bin_size double The number of FFT bins to output (FFT BIN)
psd_configuration::window_type enum Windows to apply to each FFT. HANNING, HAMMING, BLACKMAN, RECT (FFT WND)
psd_configuration::peak_mode enum Peak mode setting: INST, PEAK, BOTH (FFT PMD)


The gain_configuration structure controls the gain setting for each MSDD tuner module type.

gain_configuration::rcvr_gain float Gain setting in db for MSDD RCV modules
gain_configuration::wb_ddc_gain float Gain setting in db for MSDD WBDDC modules
gain_configuration::hw_ddc_gain float Gain setting in db for MSDD NBDDC modules


The msdd_status structure defines the set of readonly properties that define the state of the MSDD receiver. This structure is updated after initialization, allocation requests and deallocation requests.

msdd_status::connected boolean True if connected to MSDD receiver
msdd_status::receiver_identifier string Receiver identifier for filtering MSDD tuner modules.
msdd_status::ip_address string IP Address assigned to radio
msdd_status::port string Port number assigned to radio
msdd_status::model string Model name from CON CFG? MODEL
msdd_status::control_host string IP Address number from CON IPP?
msdd_status::control_host_port string Port number from CON IPP?
msdd_status::serial string Serical number from CON CFG? SERIAL
msdd_status::software_part_number string Part number from CON IDN?
msdd_status::rf_board_type string Value from CON CFG? RF_BRD_TYPE
msdd_status::fpga_type string Value from CON CFG? FPGA_TYPE
msdd_status::dsp_type string Value from CON CFG? DSP_BRD_TYPE
msdd_status::minimum_frequency_hz string Value from CON CFG? MIN_FREQ
msdd_status::maximum_frequency_hz string Value from CON CFG? MAX_FREQ
msdd_status::dsp_reference_frequency_hz string Value CON CFG? DSP_REF
msdd_status::adc_clock_frequency_hz string Value from CON CFG? ADC_CLK
msdd_status::num_if_ports string Value from CON CFG? IF_PORTS
msdd_status::num_eth_ports string Value from CON CFG? ETHR_PORTS
msdd_status::cpu_type string Value from CON CFG? CPU_TYPE
msdd_status::cpu_rate string Value from CON CFG? CPU_FREQ
msdd_status::cpu_load string Value from CON CPL?
msdd_status::pps_termination string Value from CON CFG? 1PPS_TERM
msdd_status::pps_voltage string Value from CON CFG? 1PPS_VOLTAGE
msdd_status::number_wb_ddc_channels string Value from CON CFG? FPGA_WBDDC_CHANNELS
msdd_status::number_nb_ddc_channels string Value from CON CFG? FPGA_NBDDC_CHANNELS
msdd_status::filename_app string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_APP
msdd_status::filename_fpga string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_FPGA
msdd_status::filename_batch string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_BATCH
msdd_status::filename_boot string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_BOOT
msdd_status::filename_loader string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_LOADER
msdd_status::filename_config string Value from CON CFG? FILE_NAME_CONFIG
msdd_status::tod_module string Value from TOD MOD?
msdd_status::tod_available_module string Value from TOD MODL?
msdd_status::tod_meter_list string Value from TOD MTR?
msdd_status::tod_reference_adjust string Value from MSDD TOD RFA?
msdd_status::tod_track_mode_state string Value from MSDD TOD RTK?
msdd_status::tod_bit_state string Value from MSDD TOD BIT?
msdd_status::tod_toy string Value from MSDD TOY?
msdd_status::tod_host_delta double Variance between host’s time of day and MSDD clock
msdd_status::ntp_running bool If the host system is running NTP service for clock synchronization.


The FRONTEND::tuner_status structure defines the FRONTEND tuner status properties for each defined tuner. The standard tuner status properties are defined in the REDHAWK documentation. This table describes the additional properties defined for each MSDD tuner.

FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_format string SDDS data format, fixed to CI (16bit IQ)
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_multicast string Destination IP address of data packets, (MSDD OUT IPP?)
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_port long Destination port of data packets, (OUT IPP?)
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_vlan long VLAN number if VLAN is enabled, (OUT VLANTCI?)
FRONTEND::tuner_status::msdd_channel_type string RX, WBDDC, NBDDC, SWDDC
FRONTEND::tuner_status::msdd_installation_name_csv string List of MSDD modules assigned to this tuner
FRONTEND::tuner_status::msdd_registration_name_csv string List of MSDD registration names assigned to this tuner
FRONTEND::tuner_status::bits_per_sample short Number of bits per data sample.
FRONTNED::tuner_status::adc_meter_value string Meter value from MSDD RCV AMD?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::rcvr_gain float Value from RCV GAI?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::ddc_gain float Value from WBDDC/NBDDC GAI?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::allocated boolean True if tuner is allocated, False otherwise
FRONTEND::tuner_status::input_sample_rate double Value from OUT ISR?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_channel string MSDD output module assigned to this tuner
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_enabled boolean True if output is enabled, False otherwise
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_vlan_enabled boolean True if vlan tagging is enabled, OUT VLANEN?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_flow string MSDD module chain feeding this output module
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_timestamp_offset string Value from OUT TSOFS?)
FRONTEND::tuner_status::endianess short Value from OUT END?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::output_mfp_flush long Value from OUT MFP?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_fft_size double Value from FFT PNT?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_averages double Value from FFT AVG?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_time_between_ffts double Value from FFT RAT?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_output_bin_size double Value from FFT BIN?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_window_type string Value from FFT WND?
FRONTEND::tuner_status::psd_peak_mode string Value from FFT PMD?


The following procedure explains how to install rh.MSDD from source. rh.MSDD is one of the REDHAWK Basic Devices. For information about how to install the REDHAWK Basic Devices from RPMs, refer to the REDHAWK Manual.

  1. Ensure OSSIEHOME and SDRROOT are both set.
$ source /etc/profile.d/redhawk.sh
$ source /etc/profile.d/redhawk-sdrroot.sh
  1. To build and install rh.MSDD, enter the following commands from the root directory of the assets repository:
$ cd $(find . -name MSDD)
$ ./build.sh install


The msdd property is used to setup the network connectivity between the MSDD hardware and host computer running the REDHAWK rh.MSDD device. Set the msdd::ip_address and msdd::port properties for the MSDD receiver you are connecting.

Besides the number of available tuners, the rh.MSDD device will monitor the radio’s CPU percent load metrics to determine if the device’s usage state. The If the value from the CPL command exceeds the advanced::max_cpu_load the device will be put into a BUSY state. This state is evaluated before and after each tuner allocation/deallocation request.

The rh.MSDD device will track the output bit rate from the MSDD’s radios network interface. Before each tuner allocation request, the expected output rate will be determine from the current allocations and the new request. If the new requests exceeds the ‘advanced::max_nic_percentage` for the interface the allocation will fail.

It has been observed from testing with various FPGA loads on different MSDD hardware, that allocations of WBDDC and NBDDC modules will cause a delay in processing commands. When this occurrs, the rh.MSDD device will perform a limited retry sequence when processing commands. These events will generate detailed stdout logging messages that are not controllable through normal logging configuration. The net affect would be failed tuner allocation requests and enabled BUSY states, due to invalid response messaging. When these events are observed, there are two methods to diagnose messaging to and from the radio. You can enable the logging port traffic on the radio with the following command:

nc -u <ip addres of radio> 24

This will trigger the LOG module on the radio to report the sequence of messages the radio receives and transmits. Along with this information you can use the linux tcpdump utility to track the same actvity on the host:

sudo tcpdump -i <host nic connected to radio>  port <port number observed from LOG output>

This should allow you to determine if the radio is responding with the proper messages to the host computer.