
Questions & Answers

The REDHAWK community uses StackOverflow for discussion and questions pertaining to REDHAWK.

Use the tag redhawksdr for questions related to:


Submit issues via the REDHAWK GitHub Issue Tracker page:


Non-U.S. Government

Contributions to the baseline project from outside the U.S. Government should be submitted as a pull request to the project on GitHub. Contributors must have a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file with REDHAWK before patches will be accepted. If an individual or organization desires the annotation of their contribution in the project documentation, please specify that annotation in the pull request.

Please email contributor agreements to

U.S. Government

Contributions from the U.S. Government do not require a CLA; however, REDHAWK does require verification that the U.S. Government entity has unlimited rights to the contribution. An email to stating that the contribution was developed by an employee of the U.S. Government in the course of his/her duties is sufficient. If the contribution was developed by a contractor, the email also should provide: the name of the contractor, contract number, and an assertion that the contract included the standard “Unlimited Rights” clause specified by DFARS 252.227.7014 or DFARS 252.227-7020.

U.S. Government entities are encouraged to submit contributions as pull requests on GitHub. If an agency is unable to access GitHub, please contact REDHAWK to discuss alternate methods of delivery.


Email for feedback.