Exploring SDRROOT Using the REDHAWK IDE

The REDHAWK IDE provides a visualization of the file system contained within the SDRROOT in the REDHAWK Explorer view. The SDRROOT is referred to within the IDE as the Target SDR. The Target SDR location may be changed from within the IDE preferences page.

To change the Target SDR:

  1. Select Window > Preferences
  2. Select the REDHAWK > SDR preference page
  3. Change the Local SDR Location value
  4. Click OK

Browsing Installed SDR Objects

From the REDHAWK Explorer view and the Target SDR, one can browse the installed components, devices, nodes, services and waveforms. Each of these REDHAWK Objects are placed in their own folder which may be expanded to show their content. Depending on the object type, different right-click operations and tree structure manipulation are permitted.


Mouse-hovering over a component within the REDHAWK Explorer view shows the full path to the Software Package Descriptor (SPD) file in the SDRROOT that defines it.

From the REDHAWK Explorer view, you can perform the following actions on components:


Mouse-hovering over a device within the REDHAWK Explorer shows the full path to the SPD file in the SDRROOT that defines it.

From the REDHAWK Explorer view, you can perform the following actions on device objects:


Mouse-hovering over a node within the REDHAWK Explorer shows the full path to the Device Configuration Descriptor (DCD) file in the SDRROOT that defines it.

From the REDHAWK Explorer view, you can perform the following actions on node objects:


Mouse-hovering over a service within the REDHAWK Explorer shows the full path to the SPD file in the SDRROOT that defines it.

From the REDHAWK Explorer view, you can perform the following actions on service objects:


Mouse-hovering over a waveform within the REDHAWK Explorer shows the full path to the Software Assembly Descriptor (SAD) file in the SDRROOT that defines it.

You can perform the following actions from the REDHAWK Explorer view on waveform objects:

Browsing Installed Interface Description Language (IDL) Libraries

Even though the IDL Repository is displayed within the Target SDR tree structure, the deployed IDLs and the core IDL library are not stored within the SDRROOT directory on the file system. All IDLs exist within the OSSIEHOME directory. However, the IDL repository is shown here so that one may browse the content and view the installed IDLs.

Expanding the IDL Repository tree structure exposes the individual IDLs and a list of module folders which contain IDLs. To view the content of an IDL in a text editor, one may either double-click the IDL or right-click and select Text Editor or Open With… > Text Editor.

One may also expand an IDL. When an IDL is expanded, the IDE parses its content to decompose it into referenced methods and objects. By selecting these methods and objects with the Properties view open one can view all the information from the IDL in a tabular format.

Getting Details About Error Conditions

If an error condition occurs within the SDRROOT that the IDE can detect, it marks the object in error with a decorator in the lower left corner. Mouse hovering over the item’s icon provides a short description of the issue; however, if more than one problem has occurred the hover text reads “Multiple Problems exist with this item”.

More detail about an error can be found within the Properties view of the item. To view the details about an error condition:

  1. With the item selected, select or open the Properties view.
  2. From the Properties view, select the Advanced tab
  3. Select the status row. This causes the Details key to appear.
  4. Press the Details button to bring up a detailed dialog of the current error conditions
    Error event details dialog
    Error Event Details Dialog